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The review focuses on the anisotropy of proton transfer at the surface of biological membranes. We consider (i) the data from “pulsed” experiments, where light-triggered enzymes capture or eject protons at the membrane surface, (ii) the electrostatic properties of water at charged interfaces, and (iii) the specific structural attributes of proton-translocating enzymes. The pulsed experiments revealed that proton exchange between the membrane surface and the bulk aqueous phase takes as much as about 1 ms, but could be accelerated by added mobile pH-buffers. Since the accelerating capacity of the latter decreased with the increase in their electric charge, it was concluded that the membrane surface is separated from the bulk aqueous phase by a barrier of electrostatic nature. The barrier could arise owing to the water polarization at the negatively charged membrane surface. The barrier height depends linearly on the charge of penetrating ions; for protons, it has been estimated as about 0.12 eV. While the proton exchange between the surface and the bulk aqueous phase is retarded by the interfacial barrier, the proton diffusion along the membrane, between neighboring enzymes, takes only microseconds. The proton spreading over the membrane is facilitated by the hydrogen-bonded networks at the surface. The membrane-buried layers of these networks can eventually serve as a storage/buffer for protons (proton sponges). As the proton equilibration between the surface and the bulk aqueous phase is slower than the lateral proton diffusion between the “sources” and “sinks”, the proton activity at the membrane surface, as sensed by the energy transducing enzymes at steady state, might deviate from that measured in the adjoining water phase. This trait should increase the driving force for ATP synthesis, especially in the case of alkaliphilic bacteria.  相似文献   
In recent years, cell-penetrating peptides have proven to be an efficient intracellular delivery system. The mechanism for CPP internalisation, which first involves interaction with the extracellular matrix, is followed in most cases by endocytosis and finally, depending on the type of endocytosis, an intracellular fate is reached. Delivery of cargo attached to a CPP requires endosomal release, for which different methods have recently been proposed. Positively charged amino acids, hydrophobicity and/or amphipathicity are common to CPPs. Moreover, some CPPs can self-assemble. Herein is discussed the role of self assembly in the cellular uptake of CPPs. Sweet Arrow Peptide (SAP) CPP has been shown to aggregate by CD and TEM (freeze-fixation/freeze-drying), although the internalised species have yet to be identified as either the monomer or an aggregate.  相似文献   
缓/控释肥料研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
缓/控释肥料对作物产量的影响因作物种类、肥料种类和试验条件而异,大多数植物增产比较明显,如大豆使用长效尿素,与普通尿素相比增产幅度最高可达33%。各种类型的缓/控释肥料,均可不同程度的提高肥料利用率。缓/控释肥料在农业上的应用能有效地保护生态环境,如抑制土壤NH4 向NO3-氧化,减少土壤NO3-的积累,从而减少氮肥以NO3-形式淋溶损失,减少了施肥对环境的污染;可以减少土壤N2O的释放等。提出了目前缓/控释肥料在农业应用中存在的问题及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
蚂蚁和紫胶蚧互利关系中的行为机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了云南元江蚂蚁与紫胶蚧互利关系。结果表明,紫胶蚧寄生能招致互利共生的蚂蚁光顾。紫胶蚧寄生前后,蚂蚁造访久树的频率分别是3.5和11.2次.min-1,单枝上蚂蚁数量分别为3~8和11~23头,苏门答腊金合欢上活动的蚂蚁种类有部分差异,而久树上则完全不同。蚂蚁无取食紫胶蚧幼虫和驱赶或干扰其天敌的行为,蚂蚁光顾有利于紫胶蚧正常生长,对紫胶蚧的生殖力不产生显著影响,但增加泌胶量和虫体重。与紫胶蚧互利共生的蚂蚁有一定特异性,但随着不同时期、地区有一定差异。蚂蚁和紫胶蚧互利关系中的行为机制不是简单地提供和利用蜜露,蚂蚁喜欢取食刚刚分泌的蜜露,寄主植物的代谢生理、蜜露所含成分比例的变化影响蚂蚁和紫胶蚧的互利共生关系。  相似文献   
鼻咽癌癌变的分子机理   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
鼻咽癌是一种多基因遗传性肿瘤,在中国南方和国外中国南方移民及后裔中发病率极高,严重危害了我国南方地区人民生命健康.对于这样一种具有明显民族聚集现象和地域差异的恶性肿瘤,目前认为其病理发病机制与遗传和环境因素的共同作用密切相关.现主要阐述鼻咽癌作为一种多基因遗传性肿瘤的病因发病机制,初步建立鼻咽癌易感基因群的概念和鼻咽癌发生发展过程中易感基因群主导的多阶段性多米诺骨牌效应分子机制假说,为寻找鼻咽癌遗传易感风险因子,筛选鼻咽癌高危人群以及探索鼻咽癌靶向性及个体化的诊断和治疗手段奠定实验与理论基础.  相似文献   
细菌在线虫生防中应用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在具有杀线虫能力细菌的特征、作用方式及其在线虫生防中的潜在应用等方面,结合作者的研究工作,对国内、外的一些研究进展进行了综述,并提出了研究展望。  相似文献   
杨洁  范华骅  章平  高峰 《生命科学》2006,18(1):62-66
NKT细胞是免疫细胞中一类具有NK细胞特定标志的T细胞亚群,经活化,既可直接作为抗肿瘤效应细胞发挥杀伤作用,又能通过激活其他免疫效应细胞,如NK细胞,间接实现抗肿瘤作用。NKT细胞在抗肿瘤免疫、获得性免疫应答及免疫调节中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
解磷微生物的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
磷是植物生长必需的矿质元素之一,而土壤中可溶性磷的含量比较低。土壤中有大量的微生物存在,其中有一些微生物能够将土壤中的不溶性磷转化成可溶性磷,主要对解磷微生物的种类、数量、分布、解磷机制及应用方面的有关情况进行综述。  相似文献   
硅烷偶联剂的研究与应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
硅烷偶联剂是应用最广的一类偶联剂。本文阐述了其结构特征、偶联机理与使用技术,着重综述了硅烷偶联剂的应用范围与具体应用效果,最后展望了硅烷偶联剂的发展方向。  相似文献   
链霉菌降解角蛋白的生化机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对弗氏链霉菌S-221变种降解角蛋白的生化机制进行了初步研究。该菌在角蛋白底物作用下诱导产生角蛋白酶。它是一种复合蛋白酶,含有二硫键还原酶和多肽水解酶等多种酶活性组分。硫酸钠、亚硫酸钠和巯基乙醇对角蛋白酶具有强烈的激活作用,其主要表现作用于角蛋白酶中的二硫键还原酶。亚硫酸钠在0.01mol/L浓度下不仅作用于二硫键还原酶,而且还作用于多肽水解酶。硫代硫酸钠对二硫键还原酶有强烈的抑制作用。角蛋白酶降解羽毛角蛋白首先是角蛋白酶中的二硫键还原酶使角蛋白中二硫键裂解产生变性角蛋白,然后变性角蛋白在多肽水解酶的共同作用下逐步水解成多肽、寡肽和游离氨基酸,使角蛋白彻底降解。在角蛋白降解过程中,角蛋白中的硫也随之转化成巯基化合物,H2S和硫酸盐3种含硫化合物存在于降解产物中。  相似文献   
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